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You will not believe what Casey Neistat did with a $25,000 production budget.

Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all.
— Helen Keller

It can be difficult for small businesses to get their content in front of the right people. It can be even harder to get them to notice your brand message. But give Casey Neistat $25,000 production budget to promote 20th Century Fox's new movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and he'll show you how to engage the world. As we always say, just be authentic.

When Fox first approached Neistat, it was following the terrible Typhoon Haiyan which took the lives of many in the Philippines. The original concept proposed by Fox was "Live your dreams". Neistat had a slightly different idea for a promotional video. Take the entire $25,000 and donate it to relief efforts in the Philippines. But this wasn't just a simple check signing. No, Casey and his crew traveled across the globe, as they are known to do, to film their impact.

When we first saw this video a few days ago it was around 12,000 views. It is now well over 520,000 hits within two days. We are witnessing a viral event, let's learn from it.

Watch the video. Tell us what you think at @VillageMarketingCo. How can you apply this to your business or brand? We will be answering any questions and brainstorming with you on this.

Haiku Summary

Fox needs promotion
Casey leaps over oceans
Viral commotion 


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Shoppers went from Puzzled to Speechless when they saw these Mannequins

“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.
— C.S Lewis

Holiday shoppers know that mannequins are constantly reminding us how imperfect we are. Even without heads, they look down on us for our non-scientifically proportioned dimensions. We're sick of it. Enter Pro Infirmis, a Swiss organization dedicated to enriching the lives of the disabled.

Recently, they developed fascinating storefront mannequins, identical to real humans, in a project they call "Because Who is Perfect? Get Closer".  The models' lives changed forever when they saw their figure in a storefront. By being true to form, Pro Infirmis created a video that is now topping 5 Million views. Watch and see how effective authenticity can be for your brand. 


for any brand or business
creates connections


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As seen on: Huffington Post